Media Strategy & Skills

The custom designed, highly interactive Media Strategy & Skills Workshop focuses on:

  • Key Objectives to Engage an Audience: Anticipating the Demand
  • Story Strategy: Mapping the Message
  • Realizing Your Ambition: Delivering a Persuasive & Memorable Story
  • Issues Management: Managing Difficult Questions
  • Reporter Engagement: Identifying Question Styles & Types
  • Blocking, Bridging & Foreshadowing: Deploying Techniques
  • T.A.D. (Tone, Attitude & Demeanor): Generating a Powerful Impression

The goal of the Workshop is to further develop an understanding of how the media work, to hone skills that enable the participant to develop a story and enhance her/his ability to work with the particular audiences to effectively communicate their story. The participant finesses her/his ability to use every question posed during an interview as an opportunity to establish positive points about the company and area of expertise.

Various interview settings that the participant is likely to encounter are simulated and videotaped so that s/he becomes comfortable with the technical requirements of in-studio interviews and to provide an opportunity for videotape playback. The participant's performance is evaluated with intensive feedback on message delivery, demeanor and overall effectiveness.

The session may be organized one-on-one or as a Group Communications Workshop.